Michael Goeller of The Kenilworthian posted a nice article on Sidney Bernstein and his book Combat: My Fifty Years at the Chessboard.
It was 25 years ago this month that I had the tournament of my life at the Bar Point in Manhattan.
In round one, I sacrificed a pawn as Black and beat IM Israel Zilber (a/k/a "The Sheriff" in Searching for Bobby Fischer).
My next game was as White against Bernstein, and I defeated his unusual defense in the Ruy Lopez.
Next, in round three as Black, I survived a piece sacrifice by future IM Jay Bonin and won an undeserved victory.
So, here I am, paired as White against GM Michael Rohde (a game I wound up losing), bragging to Bernstein about my above-average performance. He quickly put me back in my place by telling me of a quad that he won 3-0 as a young man. As I recall, Bernstein's three opponents were Reuben Fine, Anthony Santasiere, and Arnold Denker!