Tuesday, January 8, 2008

No Exit

Frederic Fournier has e-mailed to me an article in Forum 84 by A.C. van der Tak titled Exit 3...f5 in the Philidor?. Van der Tak writes, "Recently the great champion of 3...f5, James West, discussed with Dennis Monokroussos West’s suggestion of 6...exd4 7.Nxd4 Qe7+, which does not inspire much confidence after 8.Be2, but even 8.Qe2!? looks like a strong reply." The following game, won by White, is given.

If instead of 8...Qxe2+ Black had played 8...h6, van der Tak gives 9.Nge6 as clearly advantageous for White. This drawn game of mine, played against national master Dragan Milovanovic in December 2005, would indicate that White is only slightly better.

As for 8.Be2, here is another drawn game of mine against the same opponent, played in June 2007.