Friday, August 1, 2008

Take the F-Pawn

Recently at TradeMe, someone tried to sell a copy of The Philidor Counter-Gambit which I signed for the late NM Barry Spiro. Spiro wrote a column for Atlantic Chess News called "Take the A-Pawn," no doubt a take off on Duke Ellington's "Take the 'A' Train."

When The Philidor Counter-Gambit was published in 1994, I mailed free copies to several chess acquaintances including Spiro. In signing the copies, I wrote a personalized message for each recipient above my signature. In Spiro's case, I penned, "Barry, take the f-pawn!"

Apparently my handwriting is worse than I realized because the seller on TradeMe misrepresents my note as "Ben, take the f-pawn!" I wonder how the seller got hold of Spiro's copy of my book without knowing that Spiro's first name was Barry, not Ben.

Poor Barry! At, his name is given as Spiro Barry.