Last night, I visited the
Dean of Chess Academy for the drawing of lots to determine colors at next month's 2nd Annual DOCA FIDE Invitational tournament. I drew number eight, which means I will get four Whites and five Blacks. These are the ten players who will participate.
Dean Ippolito (FIDE 2458)David Grasso (FIDE 2168)Steve Ferrero (FIDE 2153)Jim West (FIDE 2090)Rahul Swaminathan (FIDE 2085)Kevin Chen (FIDE 2071)Rohan Shah (FIDE 1818)Daniel Zhu (FIDE unrated)Matthew O'Brien (FIDE unrated)Andrew Walker (FIDE unrated)While at DOCA, I snapped these pictures.

International master Dean Ippolito and
Eric Citron plan to publish the first issue of
The Chessplayer magazine, on or about September 15th. Citron is the editor of
Diamond Nation magazine and an avid fan of the New York Mets.

David Grasso and Steve Stoyko get ready to study an opening variation, while Kevin Chen looks on.

After the drawing of lots, the Friday night league games took place. Here, IM Justin Sarkar has Black against NM David Grasso, while
Atlantic Chess News editor Steve Ferrero defends against FM Steve Stoyko.