Thursday, April 9, 2009

Morphy versus PCG by Transposition

In response to Tuesday's post, Alejandro Melchor of Barcelona has sent me an e-mail, mentioning three games where Paul Morphy by transposition played Bc4 against positions that resemble the Philidor Counter Gambit, namely Morphy-Rousseau, New Orleans 1849 and Morphy-Schulten, New York 1857 and Morphy-Worrall, London 1859.

But in none of these games did Morphy face the position after the move order 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 f5. Instead Black played 2...Nc6 which Morphy answered by 3.Bc4, and eventually Black played ...f5. In every case, Morphy won.

The most remarkable of these was his victory over Worrall because Morphy played the game blindfolded!