Thursday, June 1, 2017

My Review of "Ironman vs. Gladiator"

Over the weekend, I purchased a copy of Ironman vs. Gladiator: The Ultimate Chess Battle of Legends! [, 2016, 102 pages] from match organizer David Yomtobian at the Marshall Chess Club.

Ironman refers to international master Jay Bonin, and Gladiator to FIDE master Asa Hoffmann.  It is an honor to have losses of mine included in books (Active Pieces and Chess Gladiator) written by these legendary players.

The match consisted of thirteen games played at the Marshall Chess Club.  

You can watch the games on YouTube.  But you will be missing out on analysis of the games by FIDE titled players (eleven grandmasters, one international master, and one FIDE master) unless you buy the book.

A twelfth grandmaster, Alex Fishbein, writes an inspired prelude to the match.

Analysis from grandmasters Bryan Smith and Misa Pap has taught me how to defend against the Trompovsky Attack; and from international master Valeri Lilov, how to prevent the Grand Prix Attack.