Here is my win on time forfeit from the first round. My opponent found an ingenious way to draw but fell a few seconds short.
Round One: Philidor Counter Gambit
Grant Oen (USCF 1663) - Jim West (USCF 2200), Hackensack NJ 10/25/2009
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 f5 4.dxe5 fxe4 5.Ng5 d5 6.e6 Bc5 7.b4 Bxb4+ 8.c3 Bc5 9.Nf7 Qf6 10.Be3 Bxe6 11.Nxh8 Bxe3 12.fxe3 Qg5 13.Qe2 c6
14.Qf2 Nf6 15.Be2 h5 16.O-O Nbd7 17.Nd2 Ne5 18.Qg3 Qxg3 19.hxg3 O-O-O 20.c4 Rxh8 21.cxd5 Bxd5 22.Rf5 Neg4 23.Nf1 g6 24.Rg5 Rg8 25.Rc1 Kb8 26.Bxg4 Nxg4 27.a4 b6 28.Rc3 Kb7 29.Nh2 Nxh2 30.Kxh2 Rg7
31.Rc1 Be6 32.Rf1 Rf7 33.Rxf7+ Bxf7 34.Re5 Bd5 35.Rg5 Bb3 36.a5 bxa5 37.Rxa5 Bd5 38.Kh3 Kb6 39.Ra1 g5 40.Rb1+ Kc5 41.Ra1 Kc4 42.Rxa7 Kd3 43.Ra3+ Ke2 44.Kh2 g4 45.Kg1 Bc4 46.Rc3 Bb5 47.Ra3 Bd3 48.Rc3 Kxe3 49.Rxc6 Kd2
50.Re6 e3 51.Re5 h4 52.Rxe3 Kxe3 53.gxh4 g3 54.h5 Kf4 55.Kh1 Kg5 56.Kg1 Kxh5 57.Kh1 Kg4 58.Kg1 Kf4 59.Kh1 Ke3 60.Kg1 Ke2 61.Kh1 Ke1 62.Kg1 Be4 63.Kh1 Bf3 64.Kg1 Bg4 65.Kh1 Ke2 66.Kg1 Bf5 67.Kh1 Bh3
68.Kg1 Bg4 69.Kh1 Bf3 70.Kg1 Ke3 71.gxf3 Kxf3 72.Kf1, White forfeits.